Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 6, 2017

Wanna end a relationship? Say, "NO"...

People, who are falling out of love, often ask us how to go about a relationship break up without all the drama.

Well, the answer is pretty simple, say no! In other words, be honest about your intentions in every day life, until your muster up enough courage to tell the truth about what you are feeling to a loved one that you need to get away from.

How To Get Over A Relationship

How to go about a relationship break up right way ?

People often have trouble breaking up because they cannot say no.  People often feel guilty about saying no, within a relationship, because they are afraid of confrontation.  People often say yes, because they believe that it will avoid conflict or an argument.  Unfortunately, none of this is true.

Conflict usually arises from a misunderstanding.  Misunderstandings can be avoided if the truth is known and that truth is usually based on the fact that someone said, "no".

Hear us out.  If you were to say, "NO" to and mean it every time your partner asked for something, then  the relationship would  not have gone as far as it probably has.  If that is the case, then breaking up should be a breeze since your partner knows you are not all that into whatever he or she is in to, right?
End Of A Relationship

Saying no to a date, to a party or to a romantic get away, will surely lead to a break up that is based on the fact that you want out.  Most people get into trouble because they insist on trying to be the nice person, cuz they ultimately believe that saying no is rude. What is rude is saying yes, but meaning no.

The art of saying "no" relies heavily on knowing one's true feelings. If in your heart you know that you are not going to marry or stay with someone forever, then start saying no.  It's the truth isn't it?

You may want to go to a party or trip with someone cuz there is no other alternative.  If this is the case then start saying no.  The truth is that you want to go to a romantic get away, but not with that person.  Sure, telling someone that they do not tickle your fancy is rude, but saying "no" to a date is not rude.  It's honest and usually gets you out of a situation that can quickly become misleading.
Relationship Break Up Advice

If in doubt say no.  How many times have you heard that advice?  Thousands of times, yet you still want to say yes to someone that you don't really love.  Why?  In the long run, you need to be truthful.  If you are confused, then say "no", just to be safe.  If your lonely, then you must say no.

Nobody wants to be a second choice or a consolation prize.  We all want to be loved, but not tricked into thinking that we are loved.  Start saying no and setting yourself free.  Trust us, it gets easier with practice.  Let your boyfriend or girlfriend know that you mean "NO" despite the fact that you're saying "YES"...